When Windows Are Being Broken


This is what anger looked like in our house today. One of our kiddos broke a window in a fit of rage. I can imagine the thoughts that are rolling around by those who read this. My past self would’ve probably publicly shamed my kid for doing this. Oh, how much healing and understanding has happened to be here today and be able to see this for what it is. Just that. ANGER.

In the past I would’ve said things like - Why did you do this? What were you thinking? How could you? And then lay on the guilt and shame in layers by saying things like - our house is broken now! How are we going to pay for this? You don’t think? Why are you so bad? You don’t care about anyone or anything...blah blah blah.

Well, not today and not ever. Cause no child needs more guilt and shame in their life. NO CHILD.

We all stayed pretty calm, except the child who broke it. That child once it happened went from raging to crying.

This child had big feelings today. So big that it was the first time they were able to witness what their physical anger can really do. How would they know their limits if they had not experienced it for themselves. The seconds before and what that felt like in their body. Think back to a time when you were so mad and you did something that wasn’t intentional and was driven by your emotions? How did you feel afterward? Who was there? What was the outcome? How our emotions are received as a child affects how we show up and live our lives today in every experience and every relationship. Have a think about that for a minute.

From the minute we are born, we are learning how to navigate all these emotions that we hold inside. These natural feelings that we’ve been gifted to experience. As we grow, we are shown by our parents what to do with them. It took a lot for me to wake up and really ask myself how I was doing as a parent. I have learned so much from the Soul Parent | Spiritual Child™️ programs. The awareness I have gained has helped me be more present to my own emotions and how I react to things.

I celebrate this broken window. It’s given my child the ability to experience natural consequences without guilt and shame. It’s given them the ability to be more aware of their emotions and possible outcomes. It’s given them the power to choose their next course of action in the future.

I’ve left said child’s name out of this post out of respect to them. We agreed that the message here was the most important.

It’s no surprise to me that this happened during a time when many windows are being broken. A friendly reminder that our children feel energy like no other. Be there for them during these times. Be aware. Give them big hugs. Have the big talks.